Eucalyptus Cinerea
Names: Eucalyptus Cinerea, Argyle-apple or Silver dollar tree
Length: 40 – 70 cm
Countries of origin: Italy, Portugal, South Africa
Availability: All year round
The story of
There are more than 800 different Eucalyptus species, they are shrubs or trees. The cultivated / cultivated species are shrubs. The branches are cut from these shrubs. After the end of the season, the growers saw the shrubs back to about a meter height. Then the bushes start to sprout again.
Cinerea is also known by a number of other names: Argyle apple or silver dollar tree. The trees are small to medium-sized.
Adomex has a lot of different Cinerea variaties. Our assortment contains different lengths and weight classes. The most commonly used weights are: 150 grams, 200 grams, 300 grams and 400 grams.

Eucalyptus Cinerea

How does Cinerea grow?
The growth is somewhat capricious as you often see with Eucalyptus Cinerea. It makes many wide side branches, so it does need some space. The winter hardiness is average, so a dry sunny place is preferred.
Did you know?
….. that Eucalyptus trees produce various types of bark that can be used for decoration as well?
….. that some varieties also produce flowers that turn into seed pods containing the Eucalyptus-seed after flowering? The flowers also produce very pure honey.
…… that Eucalyptus produces a lot of oil? This can cause the trees to catch fire quickly.

Green Inspiration
Eucalyptus Cinerea is often used as a luxury cut foliage for bouquets. It is mainly characterized by the silver-gray color and waxy layer on the leaves, which also have a fresh (menthol) scent.

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