Gaultheria Shallon
Names: Salal or Gaultheria shallon
Length: Mini, Tips & Groot
Country of origin: U.S.A.
Availability: All year round
Range: Green Beauty en Orca Green
The story of
Salal is called after the Latin name Gaultheria shallon and can be recognized by its egg-shaped green leaves with a serrated side.
Salal comes from the West coast of the USA, especially from the states of Oregon and Washington, and from Canada, BC. The leaves also grow futher down south, towards Northern California, but that product is not hard enough due to the weather conditions. The leaves have a light(er) color in some areas. In other areas, the foliage is a glossy dark green.

Gaultheria shallon
or Salal

Where does Salal grow?
This product grows in the wild and can be found in the extensive forests. Pickers pluck the leaves in the forest and then transport it to the „inhabited“ world. There it is processed and transported in boxes.
From field to bouquet
The season starts around the 2nd week of July. Salal is then flown to us as the product is not yet hard enough to be shipped by boat. Later in the season it will go on rail transport, which means that the container in Vancouver will be taken by train to Montreal. There it is transferred to a ship and comes to us. As soon as the nights have turned colder and the first night frost is a fact, the leaves are hard enough to be on the road longer. And then the product comes to us on the boat, via the Panama Canal.

Green Inspiration
The branches of Salal are very popular for flower arranging because of the beautiful, matte and dark green color and firmness!
Processing tip: what strengthens each other? That you create contrasts in a bouquet, so thin / thick, elongated / round, everything that is opposite. There are so many different varieties, so with green that always works!

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