

Adomex introduces a completely new line: Preserved foliage and mosses. This greenery is perpetual and in accordance with the latest trends: people want to preserve nature. Also wonderful in combination with dried flowers or fresh flowers.

Preserved cut foliage or stabilized cut foliage in various colors fits perfectly with the current trend for dried flowers.
The leaves have been treated so that it remains permanently flexible and retains its color.


Oak preserved

Large leaves, powerful colours, a graceful ‘woody’ stem and
beautiful dots on the leaf: this is a ‘multiple’ applicable beauty!


Its beautiful structure and elegant shape have now been immortalized. Treefern is beautiful in combination with dried flowers and therefore makes the difference. Its distinctive texture is a great asset and makes every arrangement a party!

Preserved Inspiration

Preserving beauty, perpetuating shapes and restoring color: it all comes together in this new ‘preserved’ range. This collection has about a hundred different forms. The leaves are perpetual and keep their appearance. The possibilities are also endless: you can cut, shape, arrange, glue and process it as you wish.

Feel the freedom to create your most beautiful masterpiece that you have never made before!

Decoratieve achtergrond Decoratieve achtergrond


la boutique en ligne d’Adomex

  • Une large gamme de feuillages décoratifs
  • Un ample assortiment de feuillages et mousses stabilisés, de végétaux peints et d’articles de décoration.
  • Une boutique en ligne facile d’utilisation et qui fonctionne sur tous vos appareils
  • La possibilité de créer un compte si vous n’êtes pas encore client d’Adomex
  • La possibilité de se connecter 24h/24 et 7j/7 pour faire vos achats
  • Pas encore client? Nous vous offrons un aperçu de notre boutique en ligne.